Do you really have Impostor Syndrome?
Whenever I talk to fellow developers, the topic of impostor syndrome inevitably comes up. This ‘syndrome’ describes the collection of self-doubts surrounding one’s professional accomplishments, despite evidence to the contrary. Sometimes it can go as far as truly believing you are a fake, a fraud, and it’s only a matter of time until everyone finds out and you lose your job and everything that comes with it.
There are a lot of things in our world that can cause us to feel fear, anxiety, trepidation, worry. Some of those things may show up in a professional setting. But that doesn’t mean it’s impostor syndrome; and some of these feelings may be stirred up by situations or people outside ourselves. For instance, if you have a marginalized identity, you’ll spend the better part of your career having to convince people that you actually do know what you’re talking about, to the point where you kind of do start to doubt yourself. I wouldn’t call that a syndrome. It’s not a personal psychological problem; it’s a sociological one.